Into the wild within.

It is our wild + free human nature.

We go through life doing the things we’ve been told to do in order to be happy, successful, safe and complete.

Until one day something doesn’t work out the way we thought it would, or something happens that causes us to stop and pay attention.

Maybe we get sick, depressed, divorced, broke, heartbroken, exhausted, debilitated, addicted, numb, apathetic

or simply are unfulfilled.

We know that we cannot continue the way we used to.

Or we can sense that there is something more.

In our quest to heal, to feel better, to rise above, we have a choice:

we can dwell in our misery; blaming the world for our problems, or we can choose constructive action.

We have the choice to courageously take responsibility for our lives.

As we begin to explore the layers of our human nature, we start to realise there is more than what we were told.

When we explore our body, mind and heart, we discover the truth of our wild + free existence.

It’s a place of power, love and tribe.

From there we start to heal. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

We start to peel away the layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs that were leading our behaviour and worldview.

We awaken to the truth of our inner power and unbound nature to take back control of our lives, health and relationships.

We start to bring our vision into the world and manifest our dreams.

We awaken to our limitless nature and potential.

Our experiences in nature

During our week-long experiences in nature in Iceland and Sweden we work with the body, mind and emotions to deeply connect with our inner essence.

We see the human existence as a holistic system of interconnectedness between its different parts, similar to that of nature.

We mirror nature as a way into the soul, connecting body, mind and heart to come to the majesty of the human spirit.

Heal from within

Many in our groups come to our experiences to explore holistic ways of overcoming something that is blocking them; whether a physical condition, injury, exhaustion, or a mental condition like anxiety, fear, burnout, trauma and depression.

To heal from within is to let go that which is blocking us from having the life experience that we desire.

We start with deeply relaxing the nervous system so that we come to a place of rest. From this place we can create space where the body can heal, the mind can be accessed and clarity arises.

We then start the process of shedding what isn’t ours, in the form of emotions, beliefs and energetic contracts. Lifting those, we start to feel lighter and we have more vitality.

Experience more of you

Others join our experiences because they are simply looking to explore more of themselves - their human capacity, resilience and inner power.

When we start to explore ourselves, we develop trust in our bodies and minds. We learn the process of letting go and transforming resistance. We transform apathy, avoidance and unawareness into a renewed sense of our inner world, feelings and desires.

Building a strong connection to our body and mind, we experience an increase in confidence and restore trust in our own intuition.

Thrive with nature and tribe

As we start to understand the interconnectedness of our body, mind and heart, we feel more connected to others and nature itself.

We start to see ourselves as being part of a whole.

We stop looking for something outside of us, because it is all within.

We are part of everything, and everything is part of us.

We work consciously with nature to practice skills to live with the earth, not against it. We mindfully and intentionally expose ourselves to the elements, to learn to be with nature and at ease in our bodies.

We work in groups and support each other by showing up for ourselves. We mirror each other as we grow individually and together.

Who we are

Into the wild within is created by Elena Zoe and Joren de Bruin.

A shared passion for natural living, truth, adventure and love for nature brought us to our meeting place in 2016, a winter expedition led by Wim Hof (and assisted by Joren) to the Polish mountains where we climbed Mt Sneska in -20 degrees in our swim suits.

Since then we have been exploring our human capacity through primitive survival adventures, shamanic sacred plant medicine, kundalini and tantric practices, modern psychology, science, and most important of all, our conscious relating.

In 2018 we joined forces to offer transformational experiences in wild natural surroundings aimed at bringing people back in tune with their true nature, optimum health and potential in life.

Join us on adventure, in Iceland and Sweden.


“Amazing experience! I feel a much deeper connection to my inner self.

The activities chosen were thoughtful. Based on the group, the weather and the timing. It's as if Joren and Elena were constantly reading the room and giving the group the best possible day available.

Anyone and everyone would get something out of this retreat! Whether you know what you're searching for or not, this experience opens your heart wide open and prepares you for taking the next steps in your life.”

— Peter, USA